Pray for Kumamoto

pray for kumamoto

熊本県は マサチューセッツ州に比べると1/4の土地と人口を有する日本の西側に位置する県です。 阿蘇山や有明海などの雄大な自然に面し、 黒川温泉など1400もの温泉や、スイカなどの農産物で有名です。中心地の熊本市には1470年頃に築城された熊本城がそびえ、世界的に有名になった熊本県のマスコット「くまモン」と並び熊本のシンボルとなっています。
(About Kumamoto)
Kumamoto Prefecture is located in the Kyushu Island of south west Japan with a quarter of the land and population compared to Massachusetts. It is a place filled with the magnificence of nature as displayed by the lush forests, the Ariake Sea and Mount Aso. The crystal clear fresh water has blessed Kumamoto with delicious fresh fruits (such as watermelon, oranges and melons), and has made Kumamoto known as “The Land of Fruit”. From the 1400 wonderful hot springs by the Ariake Sea, to the tranquil scenery of the Suizenji Jojuen Garden, Kumamato is full of places to visit. The most famous landmark is Kumamoto Castle, a majestic castle built approximately 400 years ago by Kato-Kiyomasa. Kumamoto Castle stands as a symbol of Kumamoto, along with the rosy-cheeked bear “Kumamon” – Kumamoto’s mascot who has become popular world-wide.


(Earthquake Relief Efforts)
Kumamoto has been devastated by the recent earthquakes, which have destroyed around 40,000 houses and left over 30,000 people without homes and now living in shelters. The donations we receive will be given directly to Kumamoto Prefecture as part of immediate relief efforts to help those who are suffering in the aftermath of the earthquakes. Longer term, the donations will be used to repair Kumamoto Castle – the historic and cultural symbol of Kumamoto – and support Kumamoto’s agriculture, which suffered damages totaling up to 1000 billion yen.

Click to see the activity report from Kumamoto.


協力団体 Organization

(主催) ボストン熊本県人会
(主催) JREX
(主催) Binnovative
University of Massachusetts Boston Japanese Student Assosiation
Bunker Hill Community College熊本地震支援の会

Suffolk university Japanese Student Association

募金する Donate now



JREX is an an American 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which can receive tax-deductible donations. All of your contributions will be tax-deductible and be used to support the children experienced earthquake by inviting them to Boston.

event report

April 24th , Donation event at Japan Festival / ジャパンフェスティバルで募金活動が行われました

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April 23&24, donation activity at NASA ISAC Boston ( / NASA ハッカソンが開催され、その会場で募金活動が行われました

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April 25-29 Donations and Prayers for Kumamoto: Hosted by BUJSA

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