I found interacting across cultures to be a great experience because people that have a different background from you usually carry different values and ideas. It’s always very interesting to hear what those people that are different from you have to say in a group discussion.”


Kentaro Okazaki 岡崎 健太郎
Tufts '16 タフツ大学

My experience at the Kouji Competition was something that I cannot gain from ordinary classroom settings. It was even more special because I got to work with people of different backgrounds than me.


Yurina Tsuji 辻 優里奈
Showa Women's University 昭和女子大学

Through this competition, I realized that working with others can be challenging especially when we are so different. I am now so eager to learn to become a better team player.


Haruka Shiokawa 塩川 春香
Showa Women's University  昭和女子大学

For undergraduates like me, participating in business competitions provides opportunities to learn about real-world business and apply what we have learned in the classroom. By working with people from different backgrounds at the business challenge, I learned new perspectives. It was such a valuable experience because I rarely get to work with such professionals.


Risa Matsuyama 松山 鈴彩
Showa Women's University 昭和女子大学

I found the experience interacting across cultures very positive. I learned different things about culture and practiced different ways of communicating with others.


Delson Da Silva デルソン・ダシルヴァ
Bucker Hill Community College バンカーヒル・コミュニティ・カレッジ

I enjoyed working with a group of extremely talented individuals with diverse and global perspectives through change during this hackathon. I realized the beauty of collaborating on an international level to create projects from scratch. In addition, as more and more business opportunities will lie outside of Japan in the coming years, it was extremely valuable to experience working with team members from overseas despite language barriers and time differences.


Tomohisa Maruyama 丸山智久
Environment, Inc. Founder, President and CEO

Through this hackathon, I learned that there is a universally shared sense of curiosity and amusement regardless of one’s background. It was great to see people in the U.S. show a lot of interest in what we thought was interesting — it motivated me further to make even better products in the future.


Shinnosuke Nakamura 中村新之介
Sojo University 崇城大学大学院

Being able to participate in the NASA ISAC as a mixed team brought whole new level of challenges and enjoyment. Working with people from multiple technical backgrounds, skill sets and cultural diversity brought with it new and fascinating solution to a common problem.

NASA ISACにミックスチームとして参加することで、全く新しいチャレンジに対する挑戦、同時に今までに経験したことのない喜びを実感することができました。 異なる職種やバックグラウンド、そして様々なスキルを持った方々と共に問題解決に取り組めたことは素晴らしい経験になりました。

John Hrovat ジョン・ホロバット
Programmer at Meditech

It was my first time joining a hackathon event. The experience was just amazing! There were three differences I faced: culture, language and expertise. Managing those differences was a real challenge for me, and this experience will definitely guide me in the future when I face the same challenge again! What a good event it was!


Takefumi Kunifuda 國府田 武文
MIT Sloan

The whole developing process was so exciting. In the idea generation process, since I was a part of a mixed team of Japan and Boston, I could see many perspectives towards one thing. A lot of arguments and discussions we made during the decision making process were very fun.



It’s starting to sink in myself that we won Binnovative Business Plan Competition 2015. Not everything went perfectly, but we did our best. I enjoyed meeting people from different backgrounds through this competition, and the experience was precious. I also learned how far we can go by working the absolute hardest. I am excited to build on my experience at Binnovative Business Plan Competition 2015 and go further!


Yuri Ishiguro 石黒友梨
Showa Women's University 昭和女子大学

I learned a lot through participating in Binnovative Business Plan Competition 2015. I joined the competition because my friends invited me to their team, and did not know what I was getting myself into, but it turned out to be such a wonderful experience. As a Japanese person and a tremendous ramen-lover, I am very proud to have won the competition!


Haruna Suga 菅晏奈
Showa Women's University 昭和女子大学

I am very excited to win the first business plan competition I ever participated. Three members of our team had great teamwork, and we worked very hard for two weeks. It was also great how I got to meet other participants throughout the competition. I really enjoyed the competition, starting from the kick-off day, then Santouka visit, and ending with the final presentation. I appreciate Binnovative staff for creating welcoming and supportive vibe throughout the competition. I also learned a lot from other teams’ presentations. I cannot wait to see Santouka food truck in Boston!

初めて出場したコンテストで優勝できてとても嬉しいです。3人のチームワークは完ぺきだったと思いますし、2週間必死になって取り組んだ甲斐がありました。kickoffからmentor advise、山頭火訪問、final presentationまで、他の参加者と交流する機会も沢山あり、毎回とても楽しみながら参加させていただきました。いつも和やかで良い雰囲気を作ってくださったBinnovativeのスタッフの方々に感謝しています。また他のチームのプレゼンから学ぶことも沢山ありました。山頭火のトラックがいつかボストンで走るようになったら嬉しいです。

Maho Yanagisawa 柳澤真帆
Showa Women's University 昭和女子大学

“The best part of the competition was being able to meet a diverse range of people, such as Babson graduate students, Showa Boston students to graduates and young employees, who all shared a passion for entrepreneurship. We were given little information about Santouka, but were granted rich opportunities to test our creativity in discovering the key details that we needed to know for our business plans. I truly enjoyed being part of the competition and learned whole lot about being a flexible team member and a confident presenter. I liked it so much that I joined Binnovative staff to help organize these events in the future!”


Kristie Le クリスティ・リー
Tufts '17 タフツ大学

I very much enjoy the opportunity to work with talented collaborators in Japan. The levels of creativity and thinking outside the box in this hackathon are very high, which leads to an inspiring experience regardless of the outcomes.

Gerald LaMountain
Northeastern University