Our Team



Eriko is the founder and CEO of Binnovative. She oversees all aspects of business development from building collaborative relationships to ensuring successful events. Eriko holds an MBA from Babson College. Currently co-founder of EHLabs. cambridge based technology start up. Eriko is originally from Kumamoto Japan, worked in Tokyo and moved to US(New York). She previously worked at a Japanese trading company in New York as IT project/operation manager ,Apple Japan etc. When she is not fearlessly leading the talented Binnovative team, Eriko enjoys Yoga and challenge her friends to badminton.
Personal website : http://eriko.nyc/

ErikoはBinnovativeの創立者でありCEOです。彼女はビジネスデベロップメントからイベントを成功させるべくステークホルダーを協力的な関係を築くことまで、あらゆる側面を包括的に見ています。Erikoはバブソン大学でMBAを取得しました。現在はケンブリッジに拠点を置くテクノロジースタートアップ、EHLabs の共同創立者でもあります。Erikoは熊本出身で、東京で数年働いた後米国に移住しました。以前は日本の商社のニューヨーク拠点でITプロジェクト/オペレーションマネージャーとして、またApple Japan等で働いていました。優秀な才能を持つ人々が集まるBinnovativeのチームを率いるのが容易ではないと感じるときは、ヨガを楽しんだり、友達にバドミントンの勝負を挑んだりしています。


Harish is one of Binnovative’s founding members. He works on business development, by reaching out to sponsors, key influencers of Boston’s startup ecosystem, and universities. Born in India, Harish graduated from Mumbai University and holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Currently he is a Cambridge-based entrepreneur. His startup, Headtalk, is part of the Techstars Boston Fall 2014 class. He also co-founded EHLabs. with Eriko Nishimoto. Harish is an ardent philatelist and will not let anyone touch his extensive collection of British colonial stamps.

HarishはBinnovative創設メンバーの一人です。彼はビジネスデベロップメントを担当し、スポンサー、ボストンのスタートアップコミュニティで大きな影響力を持つ人物/団体、および大学への渉外を行っています。Harishはインドで生まれ、ムンバイ大学を卒業しました。またMITスローンでMBAを取得しました。現在彼はケンブリッジに拠点を置くアントレプレナーです。彼のスタートアップ、HeadtalkはTechstarsボストン2014年秋組に名を連ねました。また、Erikoと共にEHLabs の共同創立者でもあります。Harishは熱心な切手収集家であり、彼の膨大なブリティッシュコロニアルの切手コレクションを決して誰にも触らせることはありません。

yuki nagatoshi (永利裕紀)
Boston Engagement Manager

Yuki serves as a Boston engagement manager for Binnovative. Yuki currently works for a mobile SaaS company. She has years of experience working for high tech startups in the US. Yuki lived in Germany and the Netherlands before moving to the United States. She graduated from Emerson College with Mass Communications as her major. In her spare time, she enjoys climbing, music, and reading

YukiはBoston engagement managerとしてBinnovativeに関わっています。現在はモバイルSaaSの会社に勤務しています。彼女は複数のハイテクのスタートアップ会社に関わった経験があります。Yukiはドイツとオランダに在住した後、渡米しました。Yukiはエマーソン大学でマスコミュニケーションを専攻しました。時間がある時は、彼女はクライミング、音楽、読書を楽しんでいます。

Lauren Croop

Lauren serves as the marketing manager of Binnovative. She supports across marketing initiatives including social media. Lauren holds a Masters of Science in International Marketing Management from Boston University. She currently works at meQuilibrium, a Boston-based resilience company. Lauren has worked in workforce development and mobile technology in marketing strategist and digital execution roles. She is a passionate believer in space programs to bring together humanity, technology, and innovation to improve our global community for the better. For hobbies, she enjoys art and pop culture.


Boston engagement support

Delson is in charge of Boston engagement support at Binnovative, he also contributes by providing technical expertise.
He is a Mechanical Engineering major with a minor in Aerospace Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology. Working for MIT on mechanical, manufacturing and software challenges in the Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes (SETG) project for NASA. Delson enjoys participating in international collaboration and applying his strong background in engineering.
His hobbies include working on his motorcycle, coding projects, and hacking things. He is also a major Dragon Ball geek.

デルソンはBinnovativeにてBoston渉外のサポートを担当。プロジェクトごとに技術面でのサポートも行う。Wentworth Institute of Technology にて機械工学専攻、航空工学副専攻。MITのプロジェクト”Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes (SETG)”で機械、製造、ソフトウェアの課題に取り組む。国際交流と豊富な工学関係の経験を生かすことを楽しむ。趣味はモーターサイクル、プログラミング、ハック。また、ドラゴンボールの大ファン。

Gerald LaMountain
Boston staff

Gerald LaMountain is a PhD candidate and Dean’s Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. Gerald joined the team at Binnovative after participating in the NASA Space Apps Challenge in 2017 and 2018. Gerald has a passion for innovation, particularly in the fields of science and technology, and believes that the greatest progress happens when people from different cultures and backgrounds work together towards a common goal.

Geraldは、ボストンのノースイースタン大学電気/コンピュータ工学学科にて、Dean’s Fellow として博士号を取得中。2017の2018年度NASA Space Apps Challenge に参加したのちBinnovative にスタッフとして参画。特に科学とテクノロジーの場におけるイノベーションに興味があり、異なる文化背景やバックグランドを持った人々が同じ目標に向かうことが最大の進歩に繋がると信じています。

hiroko kajimoto(梶本ひろ子)
Boston staff

Hiroko graduated from Boston conservatory. She works as a flute player and piano instructor. At the Binnovative, she is in charge of administrative tasks, things not related to technologies. She says “I am really not IT person!”



Kelvin Ha started a web-based boutique marketing studio “Spreat” at fifteen, helping partners including Unicef, Usher’s New Look, and MTV Show “The Burried Life” tell their stories to millennials like himself.
Graduated from Babson college in 2015, Now part of the Brand Strategy and Innovation division at Adobe, Kelvin uses creativity, data and research to support product brands in the Creative Cloud ecosystem, from Photoshop to mobile app Capture CC.

Kelvinは15歳の時マーケティングスタジオ「Spreat」を設立し、これまでにUnicef, Usher’s New Lock, MTV Show「The Burried Life」などを支援した経歴を持つ。
2015 年にバブソン大学を卒業し、現在は Adobeのブランド戦略・イノベーション部門に所属し、クリエイティビティー、データ分析、調査を生かしたPhotoshopやCapture CCなど自社製品のブランディングに携わる。


Shunta is currently a first-year student at Tufts University majoring in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Physics. He is works on Binnovative website maintenance. Shunta lived in Thailand for four years, Japan for eight years, and moved to Kentucky when he was 12. In his spare time, he likes to play guitar and baseball.



Ryusuke is a Japan engagement manager of Binnovative. He planned events and helps craft the group’s vision. Ryusuke graduated from Doshisha University and the University of Manchester, also holds an MBA from Babson college. Ryusuke previously worked as an account executive at a major IT vendor in Japan. There he helped conduct a feasibility test between Tokyo and London during the London Olympic Games. Like most Japanese his hobby is work (although he also enjoys soccer).

RyusukeはBinnovativeのJapan Engagingement Managerです.イベントの企画や、Binnovativeの組織としてのビジョンを策定することにも携わりました。同志社大学とマンチェスター大学を卒業,バブソン大学でMBAを取得しました。以前は日本の主要ITベンダーで営業に携わり、ロンドンオリンピックの間、東京—ロンドン間の実現可能性テストの実施を支援したこともありました。ほとんどの日本人と同様に、彼の趣味は仕事です。(サッカーも楽しみますが)


Tomo is working in telecom/IT industry as an Internet of Things product manager.
He is also a technology enthusiast besides work, giving talks and participating competitions (e.g. 1st prize of government held AI competition in 2017) and organizing communities (e.g. ex-President of MIT Sloan Data Analytics CLub, helped Fab Lab FACENS launch in Brazil) mainly on Digital Fabrications and Machine Learning field.
He holds a MBA degree from MIT Sloan School of Management, and a Master’s degree of Informatics from Kyoto University.

現業は通信/IT業界でInternet of Thingsのプロダクトマネージャ。仕事外でもデジタルファブリケーション、機械学習分野に熱心で、より多くの人が学べる仕組みやコミュニティ作りに興味があります。過去MIT Sloan Data Analytics Club主宰、ブラジルでのFab Lab FACENS立上げ支援、各種講演やコンペ等参加(人工知能技術戦略会議主催AIチャレンジコンテスト部門優勝等)などの活動を行なっています。
京都大学情報学修士、MIT Sloan School of Management MBA取得。


jun suzuki (鈴木純一)

Jun Suzuki is an associate professor of Computer Science at University
of Massachusetts, Boston. His research and teaching interests include distributed systems, multiobjective optimization and software engineering. Before joining UMass Boston in 2004, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at University of California,
Irvine and Technical Director at Object Management Group Japan, Inc. He has served as a panelist for intenational research agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center and the European Commission. He has co-founded a startup at Austin, TX, in 1997 and served on various advisory boards since then. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Keio
University, Japan, in 2001. He loves saltwater fishing, camping and Jazz piano. His most recent hobby is to play the ukulele.



Christopher E. Carr is an engineer/scientist with training in aero/astro, electrical engineering, medical physics, and molecular biology. He recently joined Georgia Tech as an Assistant Professor in the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering and a secondary appointment in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. He is a member of the Space Systems Design Lab (SSDL).
He serves as the Principal Investigator (PI) or Science PI for several life detection instrument and/or astrobiology/space biology projects, and is broadly interested in searching for and expanding the presence of life beyond Earth while enabling a sustainable human future.
He previously served as a Research Scientist at MIT in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and a Research Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the Department of Molecular Biology. He serves as a Scott M. Johnson Fellow in the U.S. Japan Leadership Program.

クリストファー・カー氏は、航空・宇宙、電気工学、医学物理学、分子生物学の分野を専門とするエンジニア兼科学者です。カー氏は、現在ジョージア工科大学(Georgia Institute of Technology)でダニエル・グッゲンハイム航空宇宙工学科と地球大気圏科学科の准教授を務めています。彼は又、同大学の宇宙システム・デザイン研究所 (Space System Design Laboratory (SSDL))のメンバーでもあります。
カー氏は幾つかの生命探査機器, 宇宙生物学研究所の主宰者であり、地球外における生命の探索、宇宙における生命の存在拡大と持続可能な人類の未来の研究に幅広く携わっています。
カー氏は以前マサチューセッツ工科大学にて宇宙・惑星学科及びマサチューセッツ総合病院分子生物科で研究員を務めていました。彼は、日米リーダーシップ・プログラム(USJLP)のフェロー (Scott M. Johnson Fellow)でもあります。


Kiyoko is a member of the Binnovative advisory board. Born in Hokkaido, she moved to the United States in 1968. Kiyoko is an accomplished Japanese language instructor. She has taught at Doshisha University, Indian University, Middlebury College, Harvard University, and Tufts University. In addition, she served as an adjunct lecturer in Education at Tufts University. She is also a student of the Shinto School of Incense and has been active in introducing the art of traditional Japanese incense to the United States. She is the author of “The Book of Incense” published by Kodansha International. Finally, she is Vice President of the Massachusetts Hokkaido Association. In her rare spare time, Kiyoko enjoys bike riding with her husband.

北海道で生まれ育ったKiyokoは、1968年にアメリカへ渡りました。これまで同志社大学、インディアナ大学、ハーバード大学、ミドルバリー大学、タフツ大学など数多くの大学で日本語教師として教鞭をとっており、タフツ大学では教育学部でも教えた経験があります。また、過去30年以上にわたり米国において香木の普及にも取り組んでいて、2007年には香木についての著書、“The Book of Incense”(Kodansha USA)を執筆しています。その他に、北海道出身であるKiyokoは、現在マサチューセッツ・北海道協会の副会長も務めています。たまの休日には、趣味であるサイクリングを楽しみます。