Top prizes for Keirin Business Contest (競輪ビジコンでグランプリほか受賞)

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The “Green Market” team from Binnovative-Boston claimed the Grand Prix prize in the international 2015 Kumamoto Keirin Business Model Contest. The “Real Time Keirin” team won the Student Prize.

The teams impressed the panel of industry experts with their plans to revitalize the Kumamoto Municipal Velodrome Keirin brand. The “Green Market” team proposed a totally new green market idea for Kumamoto Keirin to foster local community. The “Real Time Keirin” team proposed a novel way to enjoy Keirin as a sport.

Teams from Binnovative-Boston submitted 7 business plans. The winning two teams overcome competition from 95 other entries to secure top prizes.

The Kumamoto Municipial Velodrome hosts keirin track-cycling events, in which bicyclists sprint to win after a controlled motorized start. The sport has a long history, tracing back to its founding at the end of World War II. With declining sales and visitors, the Kumamoto Municipal Velodrome recruited teams from around the world to help revitalize the brand, especially by leveraging the local social community board.

The Grand Prix prize was awarded to all “Green Market” team members from Binnovative-Boston, including Delson Da Silva, Harish Kamath, Ryusuke Komura, Tomoaki Masuda, Daisuke Matsukara, Lisa Matsuyama, Chris May, Akari Nakamichi, Eriko Nishimoto, Mike Oelbaum, Haruka Shiokawa, Minami Sugishita, Nathan Tarpey, Kunihiko Watanabe, Toko Yamanaka, and Korina Ysabel. The Student Prize was award to student representatives of the “Real Time Keirin” team, including Delson Da Silva from Bunker Hill Community College, Tomoaki Masuda from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Korina Ysabel from Harvard University.

Both winning Binnovative-Boston teams brought together American and Japanese members, who collaborated to generate their innovative business plan ideas. On their experiences working across cultures, participants said, “I found the exposure very positive. I practiced different ways of communicating with others” and “I learned many new things.”

Binnovative-Boston is an organization that aims to foster international collaboration and innovation between the United States and Japan. In addition to supporting cross-cultural teams in business contents, Binnovative-Boston will soon be hosting the 2015 NASA Hackathon in Boston.


11月に行われた熊本競輪活性化ビジネスプランコンテストにおいて、Binnovative Bostonの2チーム、「グリーンマーケット」と「リアルタイムケイリン」が、世界各地から集まった総数95の応募の中から、それぞれグランプリ賞と学生奨励賞に輝きました。
第二次世界大戦直後に始まった歴史のある熊本競輪ですが、現在はその人気も下降気味で、現状打開への一環として開催されたのが今回のビジネスコンテストで、参加チームは熊本競輪再生へのプランを提案しました。Binnovative Bostonからは7つのプランを提案し、そのうち二つが入賞しました。
Binnovative Bostonの7チームは全て日本と米国をはじめとした多国籍のメンバーで構成されており、提案されたプランはどれも様々な視点、常識、また考え方を含んだものになりました。また参加者は、バックグラウンドの違うメンバーと同じ目標に向かっていく過程で、チーム内でのコミュニケーションの取り方についても学ぶことが多くあったようです。

西本会里子(Babson MBA), 小村隆祐 (Babson MBA candidate), 増田知彰 (MIT Sloan School of Management MBA candidate), Korina Ysabel (Harvard University), 山中塔子 (昭和ボストン), 中道あかり (昭和ボストン), 松山鈴彩 (昭和ボストン), 塩川春香 (昭和ボストン), 杉下明直美 (昭和ボストン), Delson Da Silva (Buncker Hill Community College), 松倉大祐 (New Hampshire Technical Institute), 渡邊邦彦 (Southern New Hampshire University), Chris May, Mike Oelbaum, Nathan Tarpey, Harish Kamath (MIT MBA)

増田知彰 (MIT Sloan School of Management MBA candidate), Korina Ysabel (Harvard University), Delson Da Silva (Buncker Hill Community College)

<熊本競輪活性化ビジネスモデルコンテスト審査結果発表 Website>