Binnovative Hosted Social Entrepreneurship Workshop with Japanese High School and College Students(日本の高校・大学生向けに、社会起業についてのワークショップを開催)

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(English follows)




7月19日に昭和ボストンの学生さんを対象にセッションを行った。このセッションは、昭和ボストンの有志団体「Showa Dream Factory」の5名と、音楽団体「Women of the World」とのコラボレーションで実現した。同級生にもっと自分のしたいことを実現しよう!と働き掛け活動を行っているShowa Dream FactoryをBinnovativeがサポートすべく本セッション開催を決定した。Women of the Worldのリーダーの植田あゆみさんがCircle Singingという方法でブレーンストーミングをリード。日本人にとってはなかなか苦手なブレーンストーミングだが、リズムにのって思いついたことを自然に体の外に出していくことでどんどんアイデアを出すことが出来た。
GPI社の主催する日本の高校生のアメリカツアーの一コマとして、 鴎友学園の高校生(8月3日月曜日)と渋谷学園渋谷及び渋谷学園幕張の高校生(8月5日水曜日)対象にソーシャルアントレプレナーシップワークショップを行った。

8月3日のセッションでは、Showa Dream Factoryのメンバーが鴎友学園の高校生のブレーンストーミング及びリーンキャンバス作成のワークショップのサポートで参加してくれた。7月19日のセッションで取得した知識と経験を既に生かしてしっかり高校生のグループワークを上手くサポートしている姿を見て、 我々の試みに対する手ごたえを感じると同時に彼女たちの短期間での成長を嬉しく思った。

昭和ボストン、また高校生のセッションにて、参加者全員が限られた時間内でアイデアを出してリーンキャンバスに纏め上げてピッチをするところを見て、また参加者のセッション後の達成感に溢れた面々を見て、Binnovative staffは自分たちが目指しているものが多少なりとも達成されていると実感した。

Binnovative aims to create social impact through its activity. We consider ourselves social entrepreneurs. It was previously noted in our blog that the perception of the term “entrepreneurship” generally differs in the U.S. and Japan — the perception of the term “social entrepreneurship” also differs, but in a slightly different manner compared to that of “entrepreneurship,” in the U.S. and Japan.

The goal of social entrepreneurs is to solve social issues through their business. In Japan, people generally believe that social entrepreneurs are not supposed to make a profit, but in the U.S. social entrepreneurs are expected to make a profit just like other entrepreneurs. The difference is that their businesses create social impacts as well as deliver products and/or services that consumers look for. For example, when producing clothes, one can build a factory in an underprivileged region of Africa, which will create employment opportunities for locals. By buying the clothes made in the factory in Africa, consumers are helping to create a social impact. In the U.S., such products are usually as competitive, if not more competitive, than conventional ones.

This summer, we had the opportunity to host several lectures and workshop sessions for Japanese high school and college students. At Binnovative workshops, the participants always engage in hands-on activities — for the ones conducted this summer, the students created and pitched their own social entrepreneurial business ideas after listening to a lecture by Binnovative staff. In addition, during these workshops, we introduced a method called Lean Canvas, an excellent way to organize business ideas and put them down in writing.

Workshop with Showa Boston Students
On Sunday, July 19th we hosted a social entrepreneurship workshop for students from Showa Boston (the Boston campus of Showa Women’s University in Japan) in collaboration with Showa Dream Factory, a student organization at Showa Boston, and Women of the World, a Boston-based international ensemble led by Ms. Ayumi Ueda. The participants brainstormed business ideas using a method called “Circle Singing,” which incorporates singing and body percussion into brainstorming of ideas. While keeping in tempo, the participants were able to come up with many ideas. Then the participants formed groups of 3-4 students and discussed a social issue in which each group was particularly interested, after which they created and presented business ideas that tackled the social issue of their interest.

Workshop with Japanese High School Students
We also hosted a social entrepreneurship workshop for two groups of high school students from Japan, one for the students from Ohyu Gakuen on Monday, August 3rd and another for Shibuya Gakuen on Wednesday, August 5th, as one part of their school trip to the U.S. led by GPI US. We covered lectures on social entrepreneurship and Lean Canvas as well as creating and pitching the students’ social entrepreneurship ideas in a compact three hour workshop. Every team managed to pitch amazing business ideas in English at the end of the session!

Moreover, for the workshop session with Ohyu students, the members of Showa Dream Factory assisted the high school students with brainstorming business ideas and creating Lean Canvas presentations. It was very exciting to see them utilize the knowledge and skills they learned at the previous workshop on July 19th to help the high school students.

We were very impressed by the quality of business ideas and pitches that each group made at each of the three workshops. Looking at the bright faces of the participants flush with a sense of accomplishment, we feel assured that Binnovative has certainly been making progress in achieving its mission.

Session with Showa Boston
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    We are done !



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    Business Idea creation


    Circle singing – Brainstorming





GPI event with Student 1 – Ohyu gakuen
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    With Showa Dream factory

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    Group work

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    About Binnovative

GPI event with Student 2 – Shibuya gakuen

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    Group work